Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blog #3

The major claims in this chapter is Carl N.Karcher how a little boy from Ohio drops out of high school. Then go to California and make a better living. He went by what his father told him "The harder you work,the luckier you become". By his father telling him that made him want to move on in life. He left Ohio and got a little job in California he had to work his way up so he got a job with his uncle. While working Carl found a beautiful young lady he liked and started dating. While he save his money that he was earning he came up with a idea. The idea he came up with was to get a stand and sell food. That was a good idea he came up with and his wife also helps him to run he stand. California became a big car state people from all over was coming to California to have a better life. People got so lazy when they got there cars they didn't even want to leave they cars to get there food, so they had to come up with using curb service.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Meals are very important to my family cause we thank god that we have food cause alot of people don't in this world.I usually eat fried chicken with rice and a random vegetable.I mostly eat at home in my room.If i have company i share and eat with my friends.Im not the cooking type of person right now.My mom does most of the food shopping since she always cook.There are no cultural associations in my family in my family.My mom cooks anything so there's really no special occasion meals.Never had a job at any food restaurant.


 Im going to tell you how The Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) trying to keep fast food safe.Even though they trying to keep it safe im going to also tell you,the effects it have on certain people in the world.

The Food Administration is working hard for the people around the world. They trying to save people lives. The way that they are saving people lives are making sure the food they eat is safe.if they dont make sure of that alot of people could be sick.They have 625 investigators working working out of 20 offices to make sure that everything,is being taken care of.The food administration also make sure that the food they getting over seas meet up to the standards.

Even though they check all food that comes in.Sometimes they do make mistakes.There be bad food that comes in,and people eat it and dont know its bad.Thats how people catch food poisoning. Some stores dont do they job a keep the food properly refrigerated,or keep it at the right temperatures.

I told you how the Food and Administration trying to keep food safe. I explain what they doing around the world to keep our food healthy.Then i also told you how food can be bad. How the restaurant dont always do they part. To keep food safe for the world.